
KonTActs User Guide

KonTActs is a desktop app designed for CS2030S Teaching Assistants (TAs) who work at the National University of Singapore, School of Computing.

KonTActs streamlines contact management, helping you keep track of your students' contact, attendance and assignment information more effectively compared to traditional GUI apps.

KonTActs' main features include:

  1. Attendance tracking: Track student's weekly attendance.
  2. Assignment tracking: Add and manage student's assignment and grades.
  3. Contact detail storing: Store and manage student's contact information
  4. Quick access to GitHub: Quickly access a student's GitHub repository.

KonTActs optimization features:

  1. Fast typist: Provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) for navigation alongside a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  2. Shortcut commands: Shortcut commands to boost productivity
  3. Terminal-like: Easily access previous commands

Quick start

To get started,

  1. Ensure you have Java 17 or above installed on your computer. Refer here for the specific version.

  2. Download the latest .jar file from here.

  3. Copy the file to your chosen home folder for KonTActs.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into home folder you put the jar file in, and enter java -jar kontacts.jar to run the application.

  5. Once the application starts, type view name/Alex Yeoh into the command box as shown in the picture below.

    An interface similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

quick start GUI on launch

  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Examples of commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all contacts.

    • mark name/Alex Yeoh week/0 : Marks Alex Yeoh attendance in KonTActs.

    • delete name/Bernice Yu : Deletes Bernice Yu from KonTActs.

    • addGrade name/Alex Yeoh assignment/Ex01 score/9 : Assigns and adds Ex01 with a score of 9 to Alex Yeoh.

    • The GUI should now look something like this.

quick start GUI after commands
  • clear : Deletes all contacts. THIS IS AN IRREVERSIBLE ACTION.
  1. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

Summary of commands

Action Format, Examples
Add add name/NAME email/EMAIL telegram/TELEGRAM [tag/TAG]…​ github/GITHUB
e.g., add name/James Ho email/jamesho@example.com telegram/@James tag/friend tag/colleague github/james-cool
Clear clear
This is an IRREVERSIBLE action!
Delete delete name/NAME
e.g., delete name/James
Edit edit INDEX [name/NAME] [email/EMAIL] [telegram/TELEGRAM] [tag/TAG]…​ [github/GITHUB]
e.g.,edit 2 name/James Lee email/jameslee@example.com
e.g., find James Jake
Filter filter tag/TAG [tag/MORE_TAG]…​
e.g., filter tag/friends tag/family
List list
Help help
View view [name/NAME]
e.g., view name/John Doe
Github github name/NAME
e.g., github name/Harry
Mark mark name/NAME week/WEEK_NUMBER
e.g. mark name/John Doe week/1
Unmark unmark name/NAME week/WEEK_NUMBER
e.g. unmark name/John Doe week/1
Sort sort FIELD order/ORDER
e.g. sort name order/asc
Import import path/CSV_FILE_PATH
e.g import path/user/data/xxx.csv
e.g export path/user/data/xxx.csv
Command History and
Add grade addGrade name/NAME assignment/ASSIGNMENT_NAME score/SCORE
e.g. addGrade n/JohnDoe assignment/Ex01 score/5
Remove grade removeGrade name/NAME assignment/ASSIGNMENT_NAME
e.g. removeGrade name/John Doe assignment/Ex01

Parameter shortcuts

All parameters in KonTActs come equipped with their equivalent shortcuts.

Parameter Shortcut
name/ n/
email/ e/
tag/ t/
assignment/ a/
score/ s/
telegram/ tele/
github/ g/
week/ w/
order/ o/
path/ p/

All commands supports shortcut parameters as long as they require the parameter.

This is illustrated in the examples of the individual commands.

Command shortcuts

Most commands in KonTActs come equipped with their equivalent shortcuts.

Command Shortcut
mark m
unmark um
import im
export ex
find fd
filter f
view v
addGrade ag
removeGrade rg
delete rm
edit e
gitHub git


Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters supplied by you.
    e.g. add name/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add name/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g name/NAME [tag/TAG] can be used as name/John Doe tag/friend or as name/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [tag/TAG]…​ can be used as (i.e. 0 times), tag/friend, tag/friend tag/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies name/NAME telegram/TELEGRAM, telegram/TELEGRAM name/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extra parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • Extra parameters for commands that do not have said parameters in their command format will be treated as input for the previous parameter.
    e.g. if the command input is delete name/John tag/student, John tag/student will be considered as the NAME input.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Viewing help : help

The help command opens the help window that shows the link to this user guide. The window adds access to copy the url to the clipboard or directly launch this user guide from the browser.

A compact reference guide is also provided for quick reference.

Format: help

The help window is launched in a separate window.

help message

Adding a person: add

Adds a person's contact detail to KonTActs.

Format: add name/NAME email/EMAIL telegram/TELEGRAM [tag/TAG]…​ github/GITHUB

Shortcut: add n/NAME e/EMAIL tele/TELEGRAM [t/TAG]…​ g/GITHUB

Name restrictions

  1. Names should only contain English alphanumeric characters and whitespaces only. Special characters are not allowed.
  2. Names should be unique. Duplicate names cannot exist in the same database. Please refer to the FAQ on this issue.
  3. A name is considered unique if no other name consists of the exact same characters in the same order, case-insensitive. Whitespaces at the start and end of the name will be removed.

Eg. n/John or name/John

Email restrictions Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints:

  1. local-part should only contain English alphanumeric characters and +, _ , . , -. The local-part name:
    • may not start or end with any special characters.
    • may not have any consecutive special characters.
  2. This is followed by an @ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods. The domain name must:
    • end with a domain label at least 2 characters long.
    • have each domain label start and end with English alphanumeric characters.
    • have each domain label consist of English alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.

Eg. e/john@abc.com or email/john@abc.com

A person can have any number of tags (including 0).

Tag restrictions

  • Tags must be a single word containing only English alphanumeric characters (no spaces or special symbols are allowed).
  • To specify multiple tags, separate each tag parameter with a space.

Eg. t/friend t/family

Telegram username restrictions

  • Usernames must start with an @, and can only contain underscores (_) and English alphanumeric characters.

GitHub username restrictions

  • Length of username must be between 1 and 39 characters.
  • Can contain only English alphanumeric characters and hyphens ('-').
  • Hyphens cannot appear at the start or end, nor consecutively within the username.

Valid examples

user123, user-name, username456

Invalid examples

very-mega-ultra-super-duper-long-username, -username, username-, user--name, username_with_special$chars


  • add name/John Doe email/johnd@example.com telegram/@john github/swag-john33 adds John Doe's contact details with no tags.
  • add n/Betsy Crowe t/student e/betsycrowe@example.com tele/@Betsy t/Smart g/betsy-29 uses shortcut parameters to add Betsy Crowe's contact details with a student and Smart tag.

Listing all persons : list

Displays all persons in KonTActs.

Format: list

Editing a person : edit

Edits an existing person detail in KonTActs.

Format: edit INDEX [name/NAME] [email/EMAIL] [telegram/TELEGRAM] [tag/TAG]…​ [github/GITHUB]

Shortcut: e INDEX [n/NAME] [e/EMAIL] [tele/TELEGRAM] [t/TAG]…​ [g/GITHUB]

  • Edits the person at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the person will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the person’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.


  • edit 1 email/johndoe@example.com Edits the email address of the 1st person to be johndoe@example.com respectively.
  • edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/ Edits the name of the 2nd person to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags. It uses shortcut parameters.
  • edit 1 github/cool-james12 name/James Edits the name of the 1st person to James and github username to cool-james12.
  • e 2 tele/@Mary n/Mary Edits the name of the 2nd person to Mary and telegram ID to @Mary. It uses shortcut command and parameters.

Finding persons by name: find

Find all persons whose names contains any of the given keywords.



  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans.
  • Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.


  • fd John returns john and John Doe using the shortcut command.
  • find alex charlotte returns Alex Yeoh, Charlotte.
result for find alex charlotte

Filtering persons by tag: filter

Finds persons whose names contain any of the given tag keywords.

Format: filter tag/TAG [tag/MORE_TAG]...

Shortcut: f t/TAG [t/MORE_TAG]...

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g friends will match Friends
  • At least one tag must be provided.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. t/friends t/family will match t/family t/friends.
  • Only the tags are searched.
  • Only full tag names will be matched. e.g. friend will not match friends.
  • Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. t/friends t/family will return any contact tagged with friend or family.


  • f t/homies returns any contact tagged with homies. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.
  • filter tag/friends returns any contact tagged with friends.
result for filter t/friend t/family

Deleting a person : delete

Deletes the specified person from KonTActs.

Format: delete name/NAME

Shortcut: rm n/NAME

  • Deletes the person with the specified name.
  • The name refers to the full name of the person shown in KonTActs.
  • If a person matches the name but is not shown in the list, it will not be deleted.


  • list followed by rm n/Betsy deletes the person with the name Betsy. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.
  • find Betsy followed by delete n/Alex will not delete the person named Alex as Alex does not appear in the filtered list.
  • delete name/Betsy deletes the person named Betsy if it is shown on the filtered list.

Launching GitHub repository : github

Launches GitHub repository of the specified person on the browser from KonTActs.

Format: github name/NAME

Shortcut: git n/NAME

Browser security restrictions

KonTActs will attempt to open GitHub in your default browser. Please note that some browser security settings or pop-up blockers may prevent this. Please ensure that your browser allows new tabs or windows to be open from external applications before using the command.

  • Launches the GitHub repository of the specified person.
  • Person specified needs to have a GitHub username assigned in KonTActs.
  • The name refers to the full name of the person shown in KonTActs.


  • git n/James launches the GitHub repository of the person named James, using the GitHub username assigned to James. It uses the shortcut command.
  • github name/Harry launches the GitHub repository of the person named Harry, using the GitHub username assigned to Harry.
github use case for launching Harry's repository

Viewing a contact's full details : view

Opens a window at the side with the full details of the specified person from KonTActs.

Format: view [name/NAME]

Shortcut: v [n/NAME]

  • View the full details of the contact you specify.
  • NAME refers to the full name of the person shown in KonTActs.
  • Calling view without any name parameter closes any windows previously opened by view.
  • Deleting or editing name of the current contact opened by view closes view.


  • view name/Alex Yeoh opens a window at the side showing the full details of the person named Alex Yeoh.
viewing Alex Yeoh's contact detail in the view window
  • Calling v n/John Doe followed by view closes the window showing the full contact details of John Doe. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.

Marking a student as present : mark

Marks a student as present for a particular week.

Format: mark name/NAME week/WEEK_NUMBER

Shortcut: m n/NAME w/WEEK_NUMBER

  • Marks the particular student as present in that week.
  • The full name and week number is compulsory.
  • The name is case-sensitive.
  • The range of the WEEK_NUMBER is between 0 and 13, both inclusive. Rationale being there are 14 weeks per semester.


  • mark name/Alex Yeoh week/0 marks the student named Alex Yeoh as present for week 0.
result for mark
  • m n/Harry w/3 marks the student named Harry as present for week 3. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.

Unmarking a student as present : unmark

Unmarks a student as present for a particular week.

Format: unmark n/NAME w/WEEK_NUMBER

Shortcut: um n/NAME w/WEEK_NUMBER

  • Unmarks the particular student as present in that week.
  • The full name and week number is compulsory.
  • The name is case-sensitive.
  • The range of the WEEK_NUMBER is between 0 and 13, both inclusive. Rationale being there are 14 weeks per semester.


  • unmark name/Alex Yeoh week/0 marks the student named Alex Yeoh as absent for week 0.
result for unmark
  • um n/Harry w/3 marks the student named Harry as absent for week 3. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.

Sorting the displayed list : sort

Sorts the displayed list based on the given field and order.

Format: sort FIELD order/ORDER

Reset Format: sort reset

Order of contact details can be reset to default by calling sort reset.

  • FIELD that can be sorted by: github, name, telegram.
  • ORDER that is accepted: asc, desc.
  • The sort order persists between commands.
  • The sort order will reset when sort reset command is given.
  • The sorting is case-insensitive: upper and lower case are treated as the same values.
  • The sorting will be done based on the lexicographical order of the field, regardless of text or numbers.


  • sort name order/desc will sort the displayed list based on their name in ascending order.
result for sorting

  • sort reset will reset the displayed list to its default order.
result for sorting reset

Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from KonTActs.

This action is IRREVERSIBLE and it cannot be undone! You would lose all the contacts if they are not exported!

Format: clear

Importing data from CSV file : import

Imports contacts based on CSV file.

Format: import path/CSV_FILE_PATH

Shortcut: im p/CSV_FILE_PATH

  • File path can be relative or absolute, but must end with ".csv".
    • If using relative path, you may use ".." to move up one directory level (you may refer to example below).
    • Although the ~ symbol is commonly used as home, it will not be the case when using export. Please use the full home path instead.
  • Importing a file will delete ALL existing contacts before adding the contacts from the file.


  • import path/data/group12.csv will import the contacts found from the CSV (group12.csv from relative path given)
  • Alternatively, im p/data/group12.csv will do the exact same. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.
  • import path//data/group12.csv will import the contacts at the ABSOLUTE path given. (Absolute paths specify the exact location in the file system, starting from the root directory, so the file group12.csv at the /data directory will be imported regardless of where the program is run.)
  • import path/../data/group12.csv will import contacts from the CSV file (group12.csv) at the relative path. It moves up one level from the current directory and then navigates to data folder, and imports the CSV file named "group12.csv".

CSV file formatting:

  • The CSV file must have header with the exact required order {"Name", "Email", "Telegram", "Tags", "Github", "Assignments", "WeeksPresent"} (Case-insensitive).

  • The CSV file must contain information about at least 1 person.

  • The data fields for Name, Email, Telegram, GitHub is compulsory.

    • Do note that each of these field have their own restrictions. These are defined in the (add command)
    • Do note that @ is a special character in Excel formula. Hence, if editing in Excel, please input "'@TELEGRAM" instead of "@TELEGRAM". Please refer to known issues for more details.
  • Tags format: enclose tag in square brackets ("[tag]"). If a person has multiple tags, separate the tags within the same entry with commas. (e.g."[tag1],[tag2],[tag3].....")

    • Duplicate tags will be ignored. (e.g."[Group1],[Group1]" will be treated as "[Group1]")
    • This field can be empty (will be treated as no tags for specific person).
  • Assignment format: Assignment name and assignment score should be separated with "|" (e.g. Ex01|10). If multiple assignments are present for a person, separate them within the same entry using commas. (e.g. Ex01|9, Ex02|5)

    • If an assignment name appears twice, the later instance will be used (e.g. Ex01|10, Ex01|5 will cause KonTActs to record 5 marks for Assignment Ex01).
    • This field can be empty (will be treated as no assignments for specified person).
  • WeeksPresent format: Each integer represents a specific week, with each week separated by a comma. (e.g. 1,2,3,4).

    • Duplicate weeks will be ignored (e.g. 1,2,3,4,1 will be treated as 1,2,3,4).
    • This field can be empty (will be treated as no weeks attended for specific person).

Example of acceptable CSV file:

"Alex Yeoh","alexyeoh@example.com","@alex","[friends]","Alex","Ex02 | 5.0,Ex01 | 5.0","3"
"Bernice Yu","berniceyu@example.com","@bernice","[colleagues],[friends]","Bernice","Ex02 | 5.0",""
"Charlotte Oliveiro","charlotte@example.com","@charlotte","[neighbours]","Charlotte","",""
"David Li","lidavid@example.com","@david","[family]","david","","5,6,10"
"Irfan Ibrahim","irfan@example.com","@irfan","[classmates]","Irfan","",""
"Roy Balakrishnan","royb@example.com","@roy","[colleagues]","Roy","",""
Valid CSV(excel)

Exporting data into CSV file : export

Exports contacts based on contacts and their details stored in KonTActs.



  • File path can be relative or absolute but must end with ".csv".
    • If using relative path, you may use ".." to move up one directory level (you may refer to example below).
    • Although the ~ symbol is commonly used as home, it will not be the case when using export. Please use the full home path instead.
  • You must have write permission in order to export CSV file to specified location.
  • Examples:

    • export path/data/group12.csv will export the contacts in KonTActs as a CSV file (group12.csv at the RELATIVE path given).
    • Alternatively, ex p/data/group12.csv will do the exact same. It uses the shortcut command and parameter.
    • export path//data/group12.csv will export the contacts in KonTActs as a CSV file named group12.csv at the ABSOLUTE path given. (Absolute paths specify the exact location in the file system, starting from the root directory, so this file will be saved in the /data directory as group12.csv regardless of where the program is run.)
    • export path/../data/group12.csv will export contacts as a CSV file (group12.csv) to the relative path. It moves up one level from the current directory and then navigates to data folder, and saves the CSV file as "group12.csv".

    Accessing command history : and

    KonTActs automatically saves every (valid or invalid) command entered which can then be retrieved later by using the and arrow keys.

    Format: and arrow keys

    • Current input in the text field is erased when accessing the command history.

    • If the current session of KonTActs has no commands added, pressing the and arrow keys will not have any effect.


    1. github n/Harry launches the github account of Harry on the browser.
    2. The command text field box is now empty.
    3. Pressing will retrieve the last input command which will populate the command text field box with github n/Harry.
    4. Continuously pressing will scroll through all commands that have been previously input.
    5. Pressing will scroll down to the more recent commands that was last input.

    Adding grades to a contact : addGrade

    Adds an assignment and its grades to a contact.

    Format: addGrade name/NAME assignment/ASSIGNMENT_NAME score/SCORE

    Shortcut: ag n/NAME a/ASSIGNMENT_NAME s/SCORE

    • Assignments that can be added to a contact are specified in path data/assignment.json.

    • If assignment.json is missing from data, KonTActs will load a default assignment database.

    • assignment.json needs to be manually created in data.

    • Each assignment must have a unique ASSIGNMENT_NAME.

    • If SCORE has more than 2 decimal places, its display will be truncated to 2 decimal places.


    addGrade name/JohnDoe assignment/Ex01 score/5 will add an assignment name Ex01 with score 5 to contact JohnDoe. Alternatively, ag n/JohnDoe a/Ex01 s/5 will do the same using the shortcut command and parameters.

    addGrade n/JohnDoe a/Ex01 s/12 will not add the assignment to contact JohnDoe as the input score is greater than the max, as specified in the assignment.json file.

    addGrade n/JohnDoe a/Ex05 s/5 will not add the assignment to contact JohnDoe as the assignment is not specified assignment.json

    Calling addGrade without any fields will show the list of assignments in assignment.json.

    Steps to set up assignment.json file:

    • The TA, before each semester, may update the assignment.json file to consist of the assignments present for that semester.
    • However, if there is a need for a manual update, please follow the steps as shown below.
    1. Create a file name called assignment.json in the /data folder.
    2. Copy the following format into the .json file.
      "assignments" : [
          "name": "Ex01",
          "maxScore": 10
        }, {
          "name": "Ex02",
          "maxScore": 10
        }, {
          "name": "Ex03",
          "maxScore": 15
    1. To add more assignments, add the following part in curly braces after the last assignment.
          "name": "Ex04",
          "maxScore": 15
    1. It should look something similar to this now.
      "assignments" : [
          "name": "Ex01",
          "maxScore": 10
        }, {
          "name": "Ex02",
          "maxScore": 10
        }, {
          "name": "Ex03",
          "maxScore": 15
        }, {
          "name": "Ex04",
          "maxScore": 15
    1. You may repeat step 3 for as many new assignments you require.
    2. Save the file and re-run the application to load the new assignment.json file. You will then be able to use the newly included assignments!
    3. To delete an assignment, remove the code block of the assignment you want to delete as shown in step 3, and re-do step 6 again.

    Removing grades from a contact : removeGrade

    Removes an assignment and its grades from a contact.

    Format: removeGrade name/NAME assignment/ASSIGNMENT_NAME

    Shortcut: rg n/NAME a/ASSIGNMENT_NAME


    Assuming John Doe has Ex01 assignment with a score of 5.

    Calling removeGrade name/John Doe assignment/Ex01 will remove the Ex01 assignment from contact John Doe. Alternatively, rg n/John Doe a/Ex01 will do the same with the shortcut command and parameter.

    Calling removeGrade n/John Doe a/Ex01 again will throw an error since the assignment has already been removed. To add a new assignment, refer to addGrade command above.

    Exiting the program : exit

    Exits the program.

    Format: exit

    Saving the data

    KonTActs data are automatically saved in the hard disk after every command that changes data. You do not need to save the data manually.

    However, it is always good practice to have a local backup 😄. You can do this with the export command.

    Editing the data file

    KonTActs data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR_file_location]/data/kontacts.json.

    Recommended for more advanced and seasoned users

    • Data in the JSON file can be edited.
    • If your changes to the data file results in an invalid format, KonTActs will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.
    • It is recommended to create a backup of the file before editing it. This can be done with the export command.
    • Certain edits can also cause the KonTActs to behave in unexpected ways (e.g., if a value entered is outside the acceptable range). Therefore, edit the data file only if you are confident that you can update it correctly.


    Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
    A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous KonTActs home folder. Alternatively, you can use the export command to export the data into a CSV file and import the CSV file into your other device.

    Q: Why are duplicate names not allowed?
    A: KonTActs identifies the students by their unique name to add grades or take attendance internally. This makes it not possible for KonTActs to accept duplicate names.

    Furthermore, we believe that duplicate names are better managed based on how the tutor identifies them. Different people have different method of remembering people with the same name. For instance, given two Johns, a tutor might identify them physically as John 1 and John 2 or by their surname, John Doe and John Tan . This identification should also be reflected in KonTActs to make it easy to distinguish the two students.

    Q: Why are duplicate fields like Email, Telegram and Github usernames allowed?
    A: KonTActs recognizes that students may use the same usernames and emails across different points of contact. To provide greater flexibility in the application, KonTActs permits duplicate entries for email addresses, Telegram handles, and GitHub usernames.

    Known issues

    1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.
    2. If you minimize the Help Window and then run the help command (or use the Help menu, or the keyboard shortcut F1) again, the original Help Window will remain minimized, and no new Help Window will appear. The remedy is to manually restore the minimized Help Window.
    3. When using excel to edit telegram username, typing "@" will trigger the command function which will output a "Function is not valid" error. The remedy is to prefix the telegram username with an apostrophe ' to escape from the command function. For example: typing '@james.
    excel known issue
    1. Certain fields such as email are not displayed on the list view, and can only be seen via view. This is intended so that the list view does not become cluttered with too much information.
    2. Names that contains the / characters will cause konTActs to show an error message although a person can legally have / in their legal name such as Kumar S/O Mahesh. This is a limitation within konTActs as it uses the / charcter internally. The solution for this is to totally omit the / altogether. In this case, the name may be added as Kumar SO Mahesh or Kumar son of Mahesh depending on your preference.
    3. When closing the View Window, you will not be able to scroll if the mouse hovers over the area previously occupied by the View Window. To fix this, move the mouse to the left side of the window before scrolling.
    4. If you are using a small window and have a person with a long tag, their attendance record will not wrap around, and the last few weeks may not be visible. To see the remaining attendance, increase the window width.